I’ve Moved!

Exciting times are ahead! I’m about to move onto a new chapter of my life and after much consideration, I thought that this next stage deserved a fresh blogging platform. So, it’s goodbye from me on this blog! You can now find me at: emilytwentysomething.wordpress.com  

Stay Humble, Stay Hopeful | Lokai

American actress Ashley Greene was one of the first people I followed on Instagram when I signed up to the social media platform many years ago. If you’re not sure who she is, you might recognise her as Alice in The Twilight Saga (yes, I’ll proudly admit that I was a Twi-hard back in the day #TeamJacob)….

‘Progress is Not Linear’.

Despite what people say about Zoella (particularly in the media), I think she is a fantastic role model for young girls and although I may not watch every single one of her videos, I will often choose a vlog from various Youtubers to watch whilst I am getting ready in the morning and these will often…

Decide | Pinterest Inspiration #1

  ‘So, do it. Decide. Is this the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More Compassionate? Decide. Breathe in. Breathe out and decide.’ Apparently this is a quote from Grey’s Anatomy. I’ve never watched it but I have…

Ready for the Next Chapter.

‘What feels like the end is often the beginning’ – Unknown. Being a creative writing student and a lifelong book-nerd, it is fair to say I join the many when I look back on my life in chapters. Each time I reach the end of a chapter, I am initially sad that it is over…

‘You are an intelligent woman. Own this!’

Dear Future Em, You got your group presentation feedback today. And you went and got a freakin’ first. You smashed it. Your lecturer is obviously very observant. This was his final comment on your feedback form: ‘You portrayed confidence. This is great, but it might not be sustainable in the future if the reality inside…


I’ve stopped making resolutions. Well, kind of. If you ask me if I have any new year resolutions for 2017, I will tell you no. I find that every year I make resolutions for the coming year, it’s almost as if I’m resigning myself to fail. So this year instead of making resolutions, I decided…

New Beginnings 2.0!

HEY THERE! It’s been a while I know. First things first… happy new year! I think I join the majority of the world when I admit that 2016 was, in all honesty, pretty rubbish (and that’s putting it modestly). But despite it being terrible, my personal downfall was somewhere in the middle third of the…

UPDATE: Hello, again!

Hey. Hi. Sup. Hello. Sorry I’ve been MIA for about 2 months. In all truth, I’ve been wanting to blog for weeks but I may or may not have forgotten my password… And I also started watching Teen Wolf and discovered that I love it so we’ll just say that 5 seasons of that has…

Introverts > Extroverts

Tuesday afternoon, 2013. I was sat in my A-Level Psychology class where we were discussing a new topic: introversion and extroversion. After explaining what these terms meant,  I remember my teacher (who is one of the loveliest people on the planet btw) suggesting who in the class she thought showed introverted tendencies and I was one of…